Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Collab Update

I am so excited to be a part of this collab! As you all know Haiti is close to our heart as a family. The latest updates that I have received from the Orphanage in Jeremie is that there may be some damage to the main house's foundation. The missionaries were set to leave at the beginning of Feb. but now will not be able to as the airpoerts and travel in general in Haiti is a mess. The orphanage is making it but food prices have more than doubled, food is scarce, and diesel fuel which runs their well pump has run out. We also received some very sad news.When the truck was sent to Port au Prince to try to collect the students at University there, it was learned that one of the students, Nadine, died in the earthquake. 3 of the other students were collected along with 67 other children who were originally from the Jeremie area who lost their parents in the earthquake. This brings the number of children in the orphanage to 125! A very difficult task when there are little resources to care for them.

As far as the collab, I'm going to give you a peek at the pallette and theme here. It is set to be released on Valentine's Day. I hope you will all consider purchasing it, in order to give to a worthy cause. All proceeds will go to Compassion for Haiti relief. You can click on the banner at the bottom of my blog to read more about their efforts.

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